Join TRHS for their 10th season in San Francisco!
Menace asks the audience to consider who we choose to devour and who we choose to save. Which lives are deemed unimportant, trite or expendable while others are deemed sacred? This contemporary dance work explores these dark decisions of humanity, through movement and text that expose our violent capabilities and our vulnerable nature. Six dancers address these menacing questions through the embodiment of different human activities. Sometimes confronting our choice to consume one animal for food while keeping a very similar animal as a pet. Other times enacting militaristic rituals, as a means to devour those who make individual choices.
Thirst will be a completely different experience. This one-person dance-theatre romp creatively and humorously examines the state of being “single.” In a global society that tends to put top value on monogamy, marriage, and starting a family, single people are often pitied, pressured to find a life partner, or told in a variety of ways that their lives won’t be complete until they find that “special someone.” Yet, one thing that all humans share is that we are all single at some point during our lives. This story of single-ness is created and performed by Tim Rubel, our artistic director. Rubel’s solo performance exhibits the freedom and the limitations of a single body, exuding and satirizing the quest of a single person to find true love with another, while forgetting or neglecting their ability to cultivate love within themselves. Thirst explores the differences between being single and being alone, how ideas about monogamy and partnership are often embroiled in heteronormative world views, and how we can find intimacy, joy, love, and even companionship as single people.
* Content Warning: This production contains adult themes. Email [email protected] with questions.
Show Dates & Time:
Sept 12 | Thur | 8pm
Sept 13 | Fri | 8pm
Sept 14 | Sat | 8pm | Gala Performance
Run Time: 105 minutes-with a 10 minute intermission
Collaborating Dancers: Tori Breen, Johan Casal, Quinn Dior, Will Loewen, Emily Mootz, and Ki’ Shae Qetlah.