“To feel something in an unfeeling world is an act of redemption” ~ Joe Goode
2025 Spring Workshop with Joe Goode – The Felt Experience
Workshop Date + Time
2025 Spring Workshop with Joe Goode
Sunday March 23rd 12-5pm
Pricing: $175
A weekend workshop with Joe Goode designed to revitalize and nourish your creativity.
How does sensation guide us?
Are we capable of refining our powers of intuition?
Of trusting what the body knows?
Starting with the “felt experience” is key to entering the creative space, whether we want to use it in our work or our daily lives. The “Felt Experience” methodology is about trusting that the body and its sensations are just as important as the brain in determining a course of action. Becoming awake to how you feel in a given moment is a way of waking up to your life and its possibilities. This is a workshop about finding the inspiration that is right at your fingertips to inhabit your life, your work, and your relationships more deeply and deliberately.
There is no dance or performance background necessary. Just bring your curiosity and something to write on.
Workshop will include:
Movement for Humans- exploring the healing pleasure of simple mobility
Seeing and Being Seen- facilitated partner exercises that.generate empathy through movement, voice, touch, and collaborative action
The power of Making- after generating materials that come from our “felt” experience, we can then place them together to make a kind of altar, a place of recognition that our feeling selves are the ultimate resource.
Image Description: Two dancers stand in the corner of a grey room. One is shirtless standing with wide legs, arms outstretched towards the dancer to the right, looking upwards, while the other has her back and arms towards the wall in a purple dress and on tiptoes. A final third dancer’s silhouette can be seen sitting in the forefront of the image with her arm on her knee.