Dance for Parkinson’s Class

Mauris cursus erat at risus auctor euismod. Curabitur rutrum volutpat enim, ut mattis sapien faucibus eget. Duis ut vulputate nisl.

All of my work is a voice for people who are vulnerable, or outside of the mainstream—so all the programming we do here will reflect that.

- Joe Goode
Apr 26 - Apr 27

Kitchen Sink: Performance Skills for the end of the world

Joe Goode Annex
Joe Goode Performance Group Workshop
Join lifelong collaborators Joe Goode and Marit Brook-Kothlow for a weekend of skills practice. Learn to make the kind of dance/theater that is a tonic for a tender world.
Apr 26

The Gathering Room Performance Series hosted by JGPG

Joe Goode Annex
Joe Goode Performance Group Performance
Come support performers who have danced alongside Joe over the past ten years.